
  • 218 Farren Ave New Haven, Connecticut - Annex
    Since the opening of Christopher Columbus school there is a traffic issue that needs to be addressed, the parents dropping and picking up students think its appropriate to block the street twice a day and act like it's there right to block traffic and I can't even enter or exit my driveway at times.the principal refuses to address the situation . We asked about this issue before construction and the mayor's office assured us there was not going to be a drop off on this side of the block on Fillmore St. Snow aftermath makes it almost impossible to get my truck down the street.
  • SNOW RELATED Archivado
    Fillmore St New Haven , Ct - Fair Haven
    With the impending snow storms due to possibly be heavy again is the city going to use resources to remove the piled snow from streets and intersections before the roads become even more impassable than they are now. This administration is even worse than destefano and I hated him.