
  • 9701 Prairie Rd Grande Prairie, AB T8V 5X1, Canada - Grande Prairie
    The side walk on that is located on the connecting corner of Patterson Dr and Prairie Rd, has been decreasing in size over the past few years, the grass has taken over almost half of the concrete. To add to shrinking walkway, snow is never removes from this sidewalk. There is an abandoned, boarded up, house that sits on this lot. Shouldn't the owner take responsibility for the sidewalk around their property?
  • 7810 Poplar Drive Grande Prairie, Alberta - Grande Prairie
    A platform needs to be replaced, it is badly damaged. It is bending under the weight of children of 60 lbs.
  • Noxious Weeds 已存档
    7641 Patterson Drive, Grande Prairie, Alberta - Grande Prairie
    Not a weed issue but a major ant issue! Black and red ants. In the field behind St. Pats School, behind the hill close to fence of houses on Patterson Drive
  • open hole 已存档
    7649 Patterson Drive Grande Prairie, Alberta - Grande Prairie
    This has yet to be fixed. I first reported it two summers ago. Today my three year old's foot went into the hole while we were out for a walk. Could it Please get a cover?!?
  • Patterson Drive Grande Prairie, Alberta - Grande Prairie
    Vehicles are parking onto the sidewalks making the children walking to and from school, and anyone else who wishes to go for a walk, to walk onto the very ice and narrowed road. I thought the snow was supposed to be pushed off to the side of the road not the center...this would be far safer for pedestrians.
  • 7641 Patterson Drive Grande Prairie, Alberta - Grande Prairie
    There has been a wheel barrow and couch relocated onto the hill behind my house...I did not know who else to contact about this.