Liz Nazario

  • Huge pot holes オープン
    18 King Place West Haven, Connecticut - West Haven
    I reported this issue in 2008 then again last spring. The pot holes are now PONDS. This standing water harbors loads of Mosquitos and the residents of this small street have noticed an increase in field mice. It's outrageous that the pot holes could have been fixed properly at a smaller expense but know it's a huge effort to fix. Please help with this issue.
  • 18 King Place West Haven, CT - West Haven
    Trying to upload pics but having trouble
  • deep pot holes オープン
    23 King Place - West Haven
    deep potholes that collect lots of water creating a larger than life mosquito issue. i believe it's a health hazard. Can't drive on road without probable damage to vehicle
  • potholes オープン
    18 King Place West Haven, CT - West Haven
    4 huge potholes