
  • Sidewalks La Kaydiiyey
    2522 Hillsborough St Raleigh, North Carolina - Wade
    The manager at Reverie is taking away the orange cones which block the "bus lane" where pedestrians are walking so people can park in front of his business. The Parking meter was covered and the entire Lane was coned off so the plethora of pedestrians could walk. This is dangerous hat he is moving these cones so people ca. Still park where people should be able to safely walk while building construction is happening.
  • 827 West Morgan Raleigh, North Carolina - Hillsborough
    Trophy Brewing Company is leaving recycling and trash containers out 24/7; they are blocking the sidewalk. Interestingly enough, they pull them down in front of the old laundry they are using now, not in front of their "patio."