• 532 552 Edgewood Ave New Haven, CT - Edgewood
    Is there a way you guys can add additional pipe adapter to shoot the exhaust either up or back? The position of the exhaust pipes on your landscaping trucks aims the exhaust right into the cars next to them during two-lane same-direction traffic. Its absolutely disgusting. I always have to roll my windows up when being next to one - my air doesnt work either so Ive had to suffer. A simple attachment should help alleviate exhaust being tossed into peoples faces.
  • Interstate 95 & Oak St Connector New Haven, CT - Wooster Square
    Construction sign in the way of traffic on ramp. Cars need to swerve to avoid it and potential accident waiting to happen.
  • Church Street New Haven, CT - Town_Green
    Can you please adjust how the card works with parking meters so that we can choose smaller amounts of time if we like. It shouldnt take a "quarter" value every time.
  • 17 Willard Street New Haven, CT - Westville
    Please fix. Getting worse day by day.
  • 1274-1294 Ella T Grasso Blvd New Haven, CT 06511, USA - Edgewood
    This is a great area for the kids and adults to play - when its clean and smoke free. Its an absolute mess right now - there is one trashcan on one side of the sundial but most of the mess is on the other side because users are too lazy to walk over to the can to use it. Please add another couple of trashcans to help keep the sundial area clean. Also, could you please add a "No Smoking" sign - this is also another problem where people sit, stand and play in the sundial while smoking. Please lets keep nonsmokers and kids healthy by adding a sign.
  • Orange Street New Haven ct - SOHU
    Why is the park not open on regular basis? Its really frustrating for those of us who love the park and like to hike, sit or have gatherings. Here it is memorial day weekend and it's closed to go to top by car. Also, which is aggregating and unsafe is when you open only one gate to the lower entry....increasing the likelihood of collisions.
  • East Rock New Haven CT - Hamden

    Today, part of Memorial Day weekend, the entrance to the top of East Rock was closed! What is going on here? It's very aggravating to drive there and find it closed. We really enjoy East Rock for the views and hiking. Please maintain regular hours and commit to it! Noticed on many occasions on the weekends this access is closed.

    Also, safety hazard when you only open one gate to the lower level of East Rock. Increasing collision risk.

  • East Rock New Haven CT - Hamden

    Today, part of Memorial Day weekend, the entrance to the top of East Rock was closed! What is going on here? It's very aggravating to drive there and find it closed. We really enjoy East Rock for the views and hiking. Please maintain regular hours and commit to it! Noticed on many occasions on the weekends this access is closed.

    Also, safety hazard when you only open one gate to the lower level of East Rock. Increasing collision risk.

  • 46-98 Audubon St New Haven, CT 06510, USA - Town_Green
    There are a few areas in front of the schools that are crumbling, including some paths that cross the street. You can see the metal wire grid. Please repair.
  • 2-26 Loop Rd New Haven, CT 06519, USA - Hill
    Road is crumbling on the Carlisle/Loop/Portsea turnabout. The whole area needs a repaved strip. Also, which isn't helping, is there is a tenant that lives on Portsea who continues to drive his semi down the street. I assume he comes home for lunch. This road is not designed to support a big rig.
  • 279-399 Yale Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    The area on Yale Avenue at Edwood needs to be redone - its crumbling.
  • 498-544 Yale Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    The whole section between Central and West Rock on Yale Avenue needs to be redone. Its a cumbling mess.
  • Pothole Archivado
    30 Willard St New Haven, CT - Westville
  • 39-89 Fountain St New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    Light for Central Avenue at Fountain has terrible timing. I sat at the light waiting for it to turn green through 4 commercials and 1/2 a song. When it finally did change it only was long enough for 2 cars to pass, I was the 4th car back so I had to wait AGAIN at the light before it turned green again. I don't think it's even registering that there are cars there waiting or the timing is much too long when it does register. Please fix ASAP.
  • 2-52 Willard St New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    Willard has only been plowed into one open lane. This is a two way road. If a car wants to go down the street in the opposite direction then a car coming, they have to either backout of the street or pull into a plowed driveway to let them pass.
  • Central Ave New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    This section of the street between Delaneys and DnD's was not plowed properly and is now a single lane at the light on Fountain. The lane narrows at Whalley until it disappears altogether by the time you get to the light on Fountain.
  • 224-398 W Elm St New Haven, CT 06515, USA - Westville
    Cars often park right at Forest Road and West Elm Street on the wrong side of the road AND at the stop sign on the other side of the road. The "no parking" sign is literally right in front of the car(s) and they park there knowing no action will be taken. Its a dangerous spot when turning down West Elm off of Forest too!
  • New Haven CT - Downtown

    I come from further North originally and our snow removal plan works wonderfully. So here is how "back home" does it.

    Day of suspected storm:
    1) Open the parking lots of Churches, public schools and city parking lots for free parking all nite until 7am (M-F) or 8am (Sa/Su). If not removed, cars get towed with fines due the city - (money maker!) Free bus shuttles available.

    2a) Cars park on "no parking" side of street or just one side on a street with parking open on both sides. Back home we have these streets marked with a Blue Square on the signs.

    2b) Cars can not park on "parking this side only" or one side of street the day of the storm. This is the parking ban. This side of the street would be marked with a Yellow Square back home. Again, cars towed when in the way (money maker for the city!)

    Plows do their job on the day of the storm on the empty side. The following day after the storm, cars are allowed to park on the other side of the street so this side can now get cleaned.

    Its so simple and its proven to work!

  • 22 Philips St New Haven, CT - Westville

    4Wheel RVing around library and post office

    Teens/young men at this location are RVing around the area. Police were called, don't know if anything was done. Driving around the library and postoffice, downt he sidewalks, etc.

  • 560 Ella T Grasso Blvd New Haven, CT 06519, USA - Hill
    The light on Ella T Grasso next to the cemetary and for the school/businesses where the Flea Market is held needs a cop to man traffic. People do NOT adhere to the light at all. I was almost hit today leaving the parking lot because someone else ran the red light for EllaT! Traffic is a great pain in the butt for this location on the weekends. People even take a left hand turn from EllaT into the RightTurnEXIT from the parking lot to try to beat all the entering people...which means they also bypass the "parking toll people". Sure, a cop was there stopping him but missed the next person that did it and the cop was in the wrong location - next to the "parking toll people" and not AT the light! This is in urgent need of some major attendance!