
  • 156–198 Polk St Raleigh NC 27604, United States - North Central
    There are about 20 yards of several inch-thick dirt and mud completely covering this sidewalk It's completely in-walkable when wet and a hazard for those in a wheelchair
  • 407 N Blount St Raleigh NC 27601, United States - Blount Corridor
    There is grass growing over the sidewalk on both N Blount and E Lane Streets If single-family owner can afford to renovate $3MM home, they should probably edge the saidewalk on their property The grass is almost a foot over-grown on each side it's been like this for months after they've moved in The brick on this sidewalk is beautiful, but almost entirely covered by creeping grass Compare it to the property across E Lane St that actually landscapes their sidewalk ..
  • Sign Issue Archivado
    N Person St & William Drummond Way Raleigh, NC, 27604, USA - Blount Corridor
    Sign was hit and knocked over