Office of the Mayor PLUS

Open Issues: 171 Temas cerrados: 705 Temas Reconocidos: 32
  • Dixwell Ave & Exit 60 Town of Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Need to put a stop to the pan handlers. They are leaving all of our street corners a mess with all their garbage. This has gone on long enough. I'm tired of these pigs that don't want to get a job to be running a begging business and leaving all their cups, bottles, food wrappers and pizza boxes wherever they are standing making our town look like a dump. Please address this ASAP. Thanks
  • Farmington Canal Heritage Trl & Skiff St Town of Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    This store has an ice cream giveaway program working with local agencies, Who are shamelessly kissing up to landlords . Sign up with your appointed agency. Mention your caseworkers name, or your fav cop..It can be Jerry Garcia's but it's probably HOOD on the menu, or Cornelli Nut Cream.
    Get your cup in the frozen section and bring it to checkout aisle 1.Mention your workers name and they will smile and write it down - no worries. Just follow the instructions of your boss as to your assignment , be a dedicated employ , Show them your skills. Limit 1 per day per person - Must be 18 , If your a Good Hood then you can graduate to the liquor store. Prove your worth , get your scoop.
  • 482-580 Mountain Rd Town of Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Found 2 boxes on the road full of trash. Here's a picture of the addresses on the boxes so enforcement can follow up. For some reason this beautiful area has become a popular dumping ground for trash.
  • 1010 Sherman Ave Hamden CT 06514, United States - Hamden_Feature 001
    At our kid's game yesterday the CFC arena was not complying with public mask mandates. Please send a health inspector to make them aware of the public mask ordinance. This is a facility that hosts hundreds of athletes indoors every weekend and is a recipe for a super spreader.
  • 130 Todd Street Hamden, Connecticut - Hamden
    We are unable to get out or into our driveway for the third time this week. This has happened multiple times with storm clean up. You can not block both ends of the road and not allow tax paying citizens to get to their house or job. Today both my children could not get the bus because of this and were three hours late to school because my husband could not get out of the driveway. He also could not get to work. My kids have been stranded several times before this as well. One child missed a soccer tournament because the police at the end of the road told me I had to wait till clean up was done before I could drive down and pick him up for the game. There is no warning of this. We just wake up one day and cant get out of the house. We understand clean up needs to happen but both sides of the road should not be blocked and concessions made for the people who live on the street. We pay the taxes in this town. We need to get to work and our children need to get to school. It is also dangerous to not be able to get emergency vehicles through. Being a physician myself in an emergency room, I need to be able to get out of my driveway at a moment's notice.
    Please rectify this inconvenient, inconsiderate situation as soon as possible.
    Paula Cinti, MD
  • 16 Seminole St Hamden, Connecticut, 06518 - Hamden District 1
    Commercial vehicle that has been parked on a small residential street for multiple overnights. Impeding traffic, particularly garbage collection and school busses.
  • General IssuesReconocido
    Woodin St & Murray St Hamden, Connecticut, 06514 - Hamden
    The corner of this fence is too high and we can't see over or past it. I know you have to stop at the stop sign and ease your way out but, your vehicle is just about half way in Woodin St before you can see around the corner of this fence. They need to replace this corner piece so people can see down Woodin St without getting hit. Also, due to this people are turning from Woodin St onto Murray are making smaller turns because you can't if a car is at the stop sign causing almost accidents at the stop sign
  • 955 Whitney Ave Hamden CT 06517, United States - Hamden
    Gate on Whitney Ave to Lake Whitney is unlocked and freely open and no official is in sight
  • 501–523 Circular Ave Hamden CT 06514, United States - Hamden
    Garbage in and around parkway
  • 130 Cherry Ann St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Newhallville
    How can this trash exist on such a nice street. Attempting to deteriorate the quality of life in this neighborhood.
  • 501–523 Circular Ave Hamden CT 06514, United States - Hamden
    Dead deer near south side of parkway
  • 1021 Benham St Hamden, CT, 06514, USA - Hamden
    Looks like maybe an old furnace or something dumped or dropped on the road in front of my house. Debris that looks like broken up cinder blocks is also strewn across the road