
  • SNOW RELATED Archivado
    40 Mumford Rd New Haven CT 06515, United States - Westville
    Postal service has not delivered our mail this week As you can see even with the opening cleared to the mail box postwoman says she needs to drive by without getting out of truck Can you please plow thesnow a few feet closer to the curb? Every day I open this space but to no avail I can not shovel the whole street and in the meantime we are not receiving our mail
    Thank you for your assistance ,
  • Mumford Rd New Haven, CT, 06515, USA - Westville
    I live on Mumford Rd and as I was walking around the bend I didn't notice the split pavement along the edge. It sent me flying down on my hands, knees, and shoulder. Luckily I didn't break anything, although at the time I though I fractured my hand, I was pretty banged up. It took me a good week to feel ok. Please repair this shoulder (around 90 Mumford) so it doesn't happen to you or someone else. Thank you very much for your attention.